Wednesday, July 22, 2009

New Challenge - Looking Fit and Sculpted, Just By Being Functionally Fit!

Of late i've decided "I've had enough " of not being into hard training, last few times I've tried to go to the gym i've driven there and then at the last second I just yank the wheel and drive in the opposite direction! (Once it was to go to the Plaza and get a mexicana spud ! yummo! ) he he

But it is also hard not training,- my muscles ache and feel flabby !*(yes it is possible to be both at the same time even if you're an athlete like me ! ) it’s quite hard to get that work/life balance back again, but I am really determined that I don’t want to be an on season/off season figure competitior. Figure competing is a funny demon, it's a challenge for me , not really a passion, it's more of a means to an end, I don’t really feel like you should live your life always feeling like you are depriving yourself ( for some people it isn’t depriving yourself so its cool for them but hey , you know how I like those krispy kremes !

So my mission between now and next June is to get fit/sculpted for a comp overseas but by doing training for beach and indoor volleyball, kickboxing, cycling, pilates, and only 1 or 2 weights sessions a week and looking after my own nutrition *( I pretty much know what I can and can’t get away with by now ! ) I am going to get a bit of training off a few different pt’s to get some ideas on how to do it and see how they do it and then see which gym I feel like joining up at, goodlife is a little out of the way for me at the moment. I want to do amazing feats of strength, and then better it, I want to get pushed past that point where you want to give up, but you don't, then experience the elation after when you complete the task. I wanna be fighting, pulling, stretching, reaching, sprinting, jumping, pressing .... everything. I want that elite feeling of fitness all over again !

And of course there is my amazing mentor Di Shipway - Miss Nabba World Figure, she is awesome, I see myself coming back to see her every 2 – 3 months to see what she thinks has happened to my body and what I should change. She had heaps of really interesting insights on a whole range of topics personal/fitness/ business. It’s like she’s already one or two steps ahead of me bc she’s experienced so much she already has a view on whatever issue I bring to her !

So yeah , Taking this approach to being an allround fitness ROLE model is way more inspiring to me than trying to be “the most beautiful woman in the world” which is such a ridiculous contest but it’s almost what figure competing is … I had way more fun in the Oxygen shoot , it was more about working together as a team to play up my good points, not differentiate me from others by my weak points ! does that make sense ?

I still want experiences, I just don’t’ want to be chained down by them .

I'm looking forward to this next challenge of being fit and sculpted - just by doing the things that make you that way . I can't really stomach another 3 sets of this for 20 then 3 sets of that for 30... Next year will be a different story because I will be motivated to step up on stage at a completely new and different level for my own sense of personal acheivement. Oh yeah and for the photos !

Hopefully we will sell and only move 2 houses down so here’s hoping, ( then I’l already have a studio and an attached office ! ) oh by t he way, I’ve got 6 dogs now we rescued one from the pound !

Okay anyway , I will catch up with Peita she’s been working at the Wesley Weight Management clinic and I just need an official stamp of approval that what I’m doing is heading people in the right direction but anytime you need advice or wanna

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